Why choose Us.
We specialize in enterprise networking, custom application development, content management systems, and managed hosting. Every employee has attained a Microsoft Certified Professional Status and our company has been a Microsoft Partner Company since 2004.This designation shows that our primary focus is the deployment and support of Microsoft Services including Window Desktops, Server Platforms, Microsoft 365, Azure, Cloud Environments, and associated security services.
iFocus is a member of the following Microsoft Programs: Cloud Solution Provider, Microsoft 365, Indirect Reseller (Government and Commercial) Azure Indirect Reseller (Government and Commercial) Independent Software Vender, SPLA Reseller.
Our Specialties.
Our clients include many public municipalities and Public Safety agencies. All our staff hold CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Systems) Certifications ensuring the highest level of unescorted clearance required for your premise location. With experience managing Public Safety agencies technology and Computer Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management Systems(RMS), iFocus has staffing to provide CJIS Compliance Auditing and continuity mitigation services.
Our Products.
Our CMS product, Public Aware is the basis for much of our web platform services. Custom built in house; it is customizable for your website application.
Our JusticeConnect platform provides a path for secure CJIS compliant communication between mobile devices and back-end agency SQL server systems. Custom controls and an extensible API allow for integration of external data sources, GIS layers and communication systems.